Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Philippians 3:14

As we drive in to town, we drive by the main hospital in Lusaka, University Teaching Hospital. This is not a hospital you would ever want to have to go to (even though I almost did!) and it is the reason our president is in France in a hospital and not in his own country. It is part of the college, hence the name. On one side of the hospital is the mortuary. There are always a lot of cars lined up outside the mortuary waiting to collect bodies. Saturday when we passed, there were atleast 30 cars waiting to collect bodies. They have funerals here by the hundreds daily. The cemeteries are so full. It is really sad and breaks my heart every time. AIDS and malaria are so prevelant, and are preventable with training and medication. Really sad. Really really.

My second group of housemates left today. That was also pretty sad! They were so great. There were five of them from Kentucky. They had been at Livingstone Saturday - yesterday so I had not seen them in a few days, and then they got back late last night and left this morning while I was at school, so I had to say goodbye to them before I went to school. Now I am all alone again. I guess I am getting to be a professional at living alone. It is not too bad anymore. I will definitely miss playing charades, worshipping, planning scavenger hunts, and just being goofy with them. They wrote me an awesome card that I found when I got home from school so that was fun.

Today is my 19 3/4 birthday! But more importantly it is Nancy Writebol's birthday, the childcare director of the village. She is really great. We are celebrating tonight so that will be really fun! And I am pretty sure there will even be cake :)

I am learning so much here and I can not wait for real life to resume so I can put it in to practice. But I know I am not done learning and that the Lord still has much to teach me in my days here. I long to be here but also to be home. I guess that is kind of how real life is anyways, we long to be with our Father in heaven, but we are on earth for a reason and until the Lord is finished teaching us, he will surely keep us here! He is so great and so faithful.

Well I am off to sort shoes. I have sorted a lot of things lately I feel like. I guess I am a professional sorter as well. Definitely good skills to have. Well I love ya'll. See you soon! Go make God famous!

1 comment:

Heather said...

that is so true about God teaching us here on earth. I can't wait to go to my true home!
I miss you girl. Love you.