Wednesday, July 16, 2008


It is weird being in Africa and being so cold. Yesterday it was mighty cold out, probably the coldest since I got here. Fortunately we have plenty to keep us warm, especially at night.
GAMES is still going really well. Today I did music with the kids. One of the mini-missionaries Michael can play the guitar and he played it for the kids today and we sang a bunch of songs. We taught them a new one, Happy All the Time. It was a lot of fun seeing them learn it and do the motions with it.
This afternoon I started painting ceilings, which will be a several day job. I have a lot of skills to put on my resume. Some of them I had before and some I have obtained since I have been here. I have sorted beans, chopped up and cooked pumpkins, taught pre-school, made nshima, cooked many vegetables and other foods, painted walls, put putty on holes in ceilings, painted ceilings, made curtains, sewed serviettes, washed millions of dishes, set dozens of place settings, swept floors, painted murals, made tons of art projects, sorted and hole punched manuals, made play-dough, bargained in markets, gone to a church service in another language, learned some words in Nyanja, been a part of a team serving the Lord, met lots of new people, said good-bye to many people, had my heart broken by many children. That is only what I can think of now. It has been a busy and great time of learning and engaging people and seeing what the Lord has for my life and what He can teach me.
We have had a lot of power outages lately. The past few days it has been off a majority of the day. Two weeks ago we had power for a week straight! That was crazy.
I am still loving opening a letter every day. It is definitely a highlight to my days to get some encouragement from my friends back home. I got asked about my Zac Efron love today because of a post-it note I put up that has Zac on it saying I Love Sara. Good times right there. Gotta keep it real with Zac.
Pitt County is at Sharp Top Cove YoungLife camp right now! So exciting. So many of the kids from North Pitt are there learning about Jesus! That is the best thing ever. I pray they all fall in love with him and never let go.
I love you all and I will see you soon! Thanks for the prayers and the love. You are all so great. I can't wait to be home but it will break my heart to leave. Peace and love.

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